“Restoring Your Energy”: An Interview with Kirstie Myvett

Author Kirstie Myvett resides in the rich cultural city of New Orleans with her family. She is a cofounder of KidLit in Color and believes that representation matters in all places and spaces, especially in the pages of books. She is a frequent contributor to Black New Orleans Mom blog, and her work has been featured inContinue reading ““Restoring Your Energy”: An Interview with Kirstie Myvett”

9 Essential Apps for My Writing Career (Productivity Tools for the Busy Writer – Part II)

I love hearing about which apps writers use to be productive. I’ve learned about and tried many of them in order to be as efficient as possible in managing my writing career.  Again, I offer this list in the context of: I work full-time and manage a writing career part-time, while raising three children. HereContinue reading “9 Essential Apps for My Writing Career (Productivity Tools for the Busy Writer – Part II)”

“Showing Up for the Work”: An Interview with Fiction Writer Rosalia Scalia

Rosalia Scalia is the author of the story collection, Stumbling Toward Grace (Unsolicited Press, November 2021) and a second, forthcoming collection.  Her fiction has appeared in numerous literary magazines, including Notre Dame Review, North Atlantic Review, The Portland Review, Oklahoma Review, and many others. She works a full-time job in public relations, while also managing a busy writingContinue reading ““Showing Up for the Work”: An Interview with Fiction Writer Rosalia Scalia”

Productivity Tools for the Busy Writer (Part I)

One of my long-time hobbies is thrift shopping, because of the cool treasures I can find to contribute to (what I imagine is) my eclectic style. I have found everything from designer handbags to silk dresses to hand painted wine glasses. Recently, I scored an incredible leather bag that – no exaggeration – changed myContinue reading “Productivity Tools for the Busy Writer (Part I)”

Crafting a Chapter Book Series

 As a young girl, who lived in a rowhouse in South Philadelphia and played Wiffle ball in the street, I loved no book more than Anne of Green Gables. Anne was an orphan who was adopted by a pair of siblings who initially had wanted a boy to help them manage their farm. Instead, theyContinue reading “Crafting a Chapter Book Series”

Creating A Solid Morning Writing Routine

I used to envy writers who were independently wealthy, who did not have to get up to go to a mundane job to pay the mortgage and keep the heat on. I imagined a glamorous  and indulgent life in which I could spend my days writing, reading, and having business lunches with my agent. TheContinue reading “Creating A Solid Morning Writing Routine”

Arab American Heritage Month

April is Arab American Heritage Month! It’s been a joy to see that, every year, this month gets more and more media traction, lending more visibility to our community. I’m bringing back an article I wrote for Arab American Heritage Month for Baltimore Beat Magazine, where you can read my thoughts on what this monthContinue reading “Arab American Heritage Month”